例1 鼻鼽 张某,男,54岁。1991年7月4日诊。患过敏性鼻炎3年,清涕不止,每遇热遇冷时发生,曾服中药和西药,收效不显。检查:鼻粘膜苍白水肿,舌淡苔薄白,脉细弱。拟方:桂枝10g,白芍10g,生姜6g,甘草6g,炙麻黄6g,生石膏15g,银花10g,苍耳子10g,辛夷10g,防风10g,细辛68g。服药3剂后,上述诸症去其八九,继调服月余而愈,随访1年未见复发。 例2 结节性红斑 吴某,男,36岁。1992年6月25日诊。因左下肢胫侧硬块,静滴青霉素等治疗月余未见好转,求诊于中医。患者自述发病前1周感受风寒,时发寒
Example 1 Snot Nose Zhang, male, 54 years old. July 4th, 1991. Suffering from allergic rhinitis for 3 years, there is more than Qingchao. Whenever it happens when it is cold, it has served Chinese medicine and Western medicine. The effect is not significant. Check: Pale edema of the mucous membranes, thin pale tongue, thin pulse, weak pulse. The proposed formula: Guizhi 10g, Angelica 10g, ginger 6g, licorice 6g, castor bean 6g, gypsum 15g, Yinhua 10g, Xanthium 10g, yam 10g, windproof 10g, Asarum 68g. After taking 3 doses of the drug, all of the above mentioned symptoms went to its 89. After more than one month of service, there was no recurrence after 1 year of follow-up. Example 2 Nodular erythema Wu M, male, 36 years old. On June 25, 1992. Due to the hard block in the left lower extremity, penile penicillin and other treatments have not improved for more than a month, and they seek treatment in Chinese medicine. The patient felt cold during the first week after the onset of the disease, when the patient became cold