多效唑为一种植物生长调节剂,具有抑制植物纵向生长,促进横向生长的功能。在小麦上应用,主要作为生长抑制剂,用以控制株高度,减轻倒伏。据试验,正确使用该剂,能同时起到促进分蘖、控制株高、减轻病害、增加产量的作用。现将其在小麦上的应用方法作一介绍: 1、浸种:以50ppm多效唑溶液,浸种小麦10小时,阴干后播种,适用于墒情较好,播种时间充足的情况。能明显缩短基部节间长度,增加植株抗倒能力,穗粒数增加
Paclobutrazol is a plant growth regulator, with the inhibition of plant longitudinal growth, promote lateral growth function. Used on wheat, mainly as a growth inhibitor to control plant height and reduce lodging. According to the test, the correct use of the agent, can also play a role in promoting tillering, plant height control, disease reduction, increase production. Now its wheat on the application method for an introduction: 1, Soaking: 50ppm paclobutrazol solution, soaking in wheat for 10 hours, dried after sowing, suitable for moisture content is better, sowing time sufficient situation. Can significantly shorten the length of the base internodes, increase plant lodging resistance, grain number increased