
来源 :农村实用工程技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bosigai
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唐菖蒲分期栽培技术唐菖蒲分期栽培技术唐菖蒲花色艳丽多彩,花形变化多姿,花期长,被誉为“世界切花之王”。采用露地与温室栽培相结合的方法,进行分期分批播种,亦可做到周年供应切花。一般地区从4月15日至7月15日于露地分期播种,这样从7月~10月上、中旬均... Gladiolus staged cultivation technology gladiolus staged cultivation techniques Gladiolus colorful and colorful, flower-shaped changes, long flowering, known as “the world’s king of cut flowers.” The use of open field and greenhouse cultivation combined method of sowing in batches, can also be the annual supply of cut flowers. The general area from April 15 to July 15 in the open field planting, so that from July to October on the middle and the average ...