设计的场地位于建国门外国际俱乐部(现瑞吉酒店)地下二层,原来作为保龄球馆的长方形空间,层高约5米。由于深入地下超过1 0米,远离地表,空问与外界完全隔绝,没有任何自然光线进入。如何把一个原来纯粹靠人工照明和空气调节维系的地下空间转变为一个展示艺术和引发思考的画廊空间是摆在建筑师面前的最大挑战。因此,设计开始尝试将一种抽象的山水人文景观植入其中,引发在这个单一空间中的心境起落和空间流连。
The design of the venue is located on the second basement of International Club Jianguomenwai (now the St. Regis). The original space was a rectangular bowling alley with a height of about 5 meters. As the depth of more than 10 meters underground, away from the surface, the space completely isolated with the outside world, there is no access to any natural light. How to transform an underground space originally maintained by artificial lighting and air conditioning into an exhibition space for art and reflection is the biggest challenge for architects. Therefore, the design began to try to implanted an abstract landscape of human landscape, triggering the mood in this single space ups and downs and linger.