近年来许多实验发现了骨髓间充质干细胞(MSC)在同种异体甚至异种移植时的免疫 耐受现象,而且在发生机制上进行了一定的探讨,但是至今没有阐明统一的明确的机制,存在着一定 的争议。本文就MSC在心肌再生治疗中的免疫耐受现象及其可能的机制进行综述。
In recent years, many experiments found that bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) in allogeneic or even xenotransplantation of immune tolerance, but also in the mechanism of some discussed, but so far there is no clear clear unity of the mechanism, there A certain controversy. This review summarizes the immune tolerance of MSC in myocardial regeneration and its possible mechanism.