西瓜长期保鲜法在自然存放条件下,西瓜最多能保鲜10天左右。采用本方法将西瓜贮藏保鲜,可延长到一年。选瓜 选择晚熟、皮厚、质地坚韧、瓜肉组织紧密、可溶性固体物含量较高的西瓜,且在活藤上生长健康、无病虫害。采收 采收前10天,喷酒1000倍早基托布津溶液...
Watermelon long-term preservation method Under the conditions of natural storage, watermelon can keep fresh for about 10 days. This method will be watermelon preservation, can be extended to one year. Select the melon choose late maturity, thick skin, tough texture, melon tissue closely, soluble solids content of watermelon, and grow on living vine health, no pests. Harvest 10 days before harvest, spray 1000 times early thiophanate solution ...