尽管国内许多学者对急性脑血管疾病应用甘露醇看法不一致,但绝大多数医院仍将甘露醇作为急性脑血管疾病早期主要脱水药物[1],Whelan和Goldwasser等1984年首次报道了3例静脉滴注大剂量甘露醇(400 ̄900g/d)引起急性肾功能衰竭[2,3]。?
Although many domestic scholars do not agree on the application of mannitol in acute cerebrovascular disease, most hospitals still regard mannitol as the main dehydration drug in early stage of acute cerebrovascular disease [1]. Whelan and Goldwasser et al. First reported three cases of intravenous drip in 1984 Note high doses of mannitol (400 ~ 900g / d) cause acute renal failure [2,3]. ?