地龙作为药用,在我国有着悠久的历史,著始载于《神农本草经》列为下品。而2千多年来的实践,人们对其功效的总结又不断完善,基本可归纳为:清热息风、平喘、利尿。然笔者近年来从地龙的临床运用及疗效观察中深感其除有上述功效外,还具有很好的“收敛”功用,这一功效历代本草文献并无所载,故阐述于下。 1 治疗湿疹:用蚯蚓60g、白糖30g,取其浸出液日服1剂,再用1剂外搽患处,每日4~5次,对出现皮肤丘疹、糜烂渗液、结痂、皮疹边界不清,阵发性剧痒反复发作的湿疹有良效。
As a medicinal herb, Dilong has a long history in China, and it was first listed in the Shennongboshi Classic. For more than two thousand years of practice, people’s summary of their efficacy has been continuously improved, and can be basically summed up as follows: heat and wind, asthma, diuresis. However, in recent years, the author has deeply felt that in addition to the above-mentioned effects, he also has a good “convergence” function in the clinical application and observation of therapeutic effects of earthworms. This effect has not been included in ancient Chinese herbal literature and is therefore described below. 1 Treatment of eczema: Take 60g of phlegm and 30g of white sugar, take 1 dose of its leaching solution, and then apply 1 dose of external hemorrhoids to the affected area 4 to 5 times a day. The appearance of skin rashes, erosions, scabs, and rashes are unclear. Recurrent episodes of episodes of episodes of episodes of eczema are good.