目前,在我们所生活的世界,特别是在个人机动性领域,正经历着一次巨大的变革,这一变革将涉及环境、经济以及社会等各个方面。气候变化、资源供应紧缺和城市化进程日益加剧等一系列全球化发展动态表明,在环境需求和人类欲望之间建立新的平衡机制已经追在眉睫。针对这种情况,宝马集团适时打造出了可满足社会对可持续性机动能力(Sustainablemobility)需求的子品牌:BMW i。
At the moment, in the world we live in, and especially in the area of personal mobility, we are undergoing a dramatic transformation that will address all aspects of the environment, economy and society. A series of global developments, such as climate change, the shortage of resources and the increasingly urbanization process, have shown that it is imminent to establish a new balance mechanism between environmental needs and human desires. In response to this situation, the BMW Group timely created a sub-brand that meets the needs of the community for sustainable mobility: BMW i.