Control of nosocomial infections has now become an important measure of the modern hospital management level, with the continuous development of modern medical science and technology, medical supplies constantly updated, more and more disposable medical supplies, more and more varieties, one-time Pulse pressure is one of them. The cuff is also a medical device that frequently contacts medical workers and patients. For example, it is indispensable in various intravenous and venous blood sampling processes. In daily work, many hospital cuffs are made of rubber Hose instead, and a multi-purpose, long-term repeated applications never thoroughly disinfected. This gives doctors and patients, patients increased mutual transmission of opportunities, but also cause iatrogenic infection an important route of transmission. Some domestic authors made a systematic investigation of the pathogens of the cupping vein and found that the cupping of the cupping vein was quite serious. In order to confirm its contagiousness and harmfulness,