基钦纳勋爵死亡之谜 1916年6月的一天,在奥克尼以西海域的航道上,随着一声惊天动地的爆炸声,海水冲天而起,接着又铺天盖地地砸在一艘正在航行的英国巡洋舰“汉普郡”号上。坐在该军舰上的英国陆军总司令基钦纳勋爵和舰上的海军官兵还未弄明白是怎么回事,就见这艘1.9万多吨的巡洋舰摇摇晃晃地迅速沉向大海。大家这才意识到自己乘坐的舰船已被德国海军布下的水雷所击中。这时,军舰上一片混乱,1000多名英国海军官兵跌跌撞撞,一张张惊恐的脸,一双双迷乱而恐惧的眼睛,无可奈何地看着所乘军舰被海水迅速吞没着。坐在这军舰上的基钦纳勋爵更是感到百思不得其解。就在他出发前夕,海军部作战处曾明白无误地告诉他:在这条航线上航行是绝对安全
The mystery of the death of Lord Kitchener One day in June 1916, on the fairway west of Orkney, with the earth-shattering explosions, the sea started to skyrocket and plunged onto the voyage of a cruising British cruiser Hampshire. Sitting on the warship, the British Army Commander-in-Chief Lord Kitchener and the naval officers and men on board had not figured out what was going on and saw the 19,000-tonne cruiser swaying rapidly to the sea. It was only then that everyone realized that the ship they were riding had been hit by mines laid by the German Navy. At this time, the warship was in turmoil. More than 1,000 British naval officers stumbled upon each other. With frightened faces and eyes in confusion and fear, they looked helplessly at the swiftly engulfed warships. Lord Kitchener sitting on this warship was even more baffled. Just before his departure, the Admiralty Operations Department had plainly told him that sailing on this route was absolutely safe