震惊中外的九·—八事变,已经过去整整70年了。在国家日益昌盛的今天,中国人民,特别是东北人民,不会忘记70年前那段创巨痛深的历史。档案部门作为保存证据、维护历史的国家机构,有责任、有义务提醒国人:勿忘国耻,图强奋进,振兴中华,避免70年前历史的重演。 日本
It has been 70 years since the September-August incident that shocked both China and other countries. Today, as the country grows prosperous, the Chinese people, especially the people in Northeast China, will never forget the gigantic history of 70 years ago. As a national institution that preserves evidence and preserves history, the archives department has the responsibility and obligation to remind the Chinese people not to forget their national shame, to forge ahead with vigor and vitality, and to revitalize China and avoid a repeat of history 70 years ago. Japan