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本溪市邮电局电话安装局装机一队队长宋月东,是辽宁刊授党校第十届企业管理专业大专班学员。近年来,他获得了许多荣誉称号:本溪市优秀共产党员、共产党员标兵,辽宁省优秀共产党员,还获得过省政府颁发的“五一”劳动奖章。他的办公室里,挂满了一面面锦旗,办公桌的抽屉里装满了一封封热情洋溢的表扬信和感谢信……要问他为什么能取得这些令人瞩目的成绩,他可以坦诚地告诉大家,是辽宁刊授党校给了他力量的源泉,为他插上了腾飞的翅膀。和同龄人一样,他也有一个难圆的大学梦。他出生于“文革”前夕,金色年华都是在十年动乱和割资本主义尾巴的不正常的年代度过的。随着岁月的匆匆流逝,他终于悟出了一个有志青年应该锲而不舍地学习文化科学知识的深刻道理,但早已时过境迁。1983年他在本溪市邮电局职业学校毕业以后,被分配到彩屯市话三分局做机务员工作。1989年4月,被调到电话安装局工作。1993年被提拔为装机一队队长。肩上的担子重了,他更加感到知识的匮乏。为了努力提高自身科学文化素质,他带着求知的渴望,真诚地叩开了辽宁刊授党校的大门,成为第十届企业管理大专班学员。 Benxi City Post and Telecommunications Bureau installed a team captain Song Yue Dong, Liaoning Province is the tenth party management college professional college students. In recent years, he has won many honorary titles: Benxi City outstanding Communist Party member, member of the Communist Party model, outstanding Communist Party member in Liaoning Province, also won the provincial government issued the “51” labor medal. His office was covered with a pennant, the desk drawer was filled with an ebullient letter of recognition and thank-you note ... To ask why he had achieved such impressive results, he could frankly tell Everyone, Liaoning Province, has given the party school the source of his power, plugged it up for his wings. Like his peers, he also has a difficult college dream. He was born on the eve of the “Cultural Revolution” and the Golden Age was spent on the unusual decade of turmoil and capitalist tail-loss. With the passage of time, he finally realized that the deep-rooted reason why aspiring young people should persistently study cultural science knowledge has long passed. After graduating from the vocational school of Benxi Post and Telecommunications Bureau in 1983, he was assigned as a cabin attendant to the third branch of Caitun City. In April 1989, was transferred to the telephone installation bureau. 1993 was promoted to a captain installed capacity. Heavy shoulder burden, he felt more lack of knowledge. In order to improve his scientific and cultural qualities, he took the desire for knowledge and sincerely opened the door to Liaoning Province to teach the party school, becoming the tenth enterprise management college students.
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