The separation of trading space and time in the circulation of commodities restricts the reproduction of social capital and pulls the capitalist economy into a credit economy. Credit Tools - Lending Capital is the most basic form of virtual capital, credit expansion constitutes a material premise of financial derivatives. The development of capitalism exacerbated the contradiction of relative surplus in production, which led to the alienation of the economy in the modern capitalist countries represented by the United States - relying on over-expansion of credit to create a financial bubble and promote economic growth. The alienation of capitalism leads to alienation of capitalist credit - the standard of credit devolution for the real economy, indulging in excessive financial speculation, misleading investment, exacerbating the imbalance between production and consumption, and developing the antagonism between commodity and currency into absolute Therefore, the crisis is the inevitable result. The global expansion of capital, the process of economic globalization, which has embarked on a relative surplus of contradictions, has gradually evolved into a global expansion of capitalist credit, namely, financialization. They have led the crisis of capitalism to the world.