目前 ,采用压缩空气泡沫系统 (以下简称 CAFS)进行灭火的消防队日益增多。在 CAFSA级泡沫灭火实践中积累的经验 ,使压缩空气泡沫灭火技术有了不断的提高。最近提出的消防水带与 CAFS相容性问题 ,涉及到消防人员的身体健康 ,需进行认真研究 ,以确保参加CAFS泵送装置培训和进行人
Currently, the use of compressed air foam system (hereinafter referred to as CAFS) fire fighting firefighting team is increasing. Experience accumulated in the practice of CAFSA foam extinguishing practices has led to the continuous improvement of compressed air foam fire extinguishing technologies. Recently proposed fire hose compatibility issues with CAFS, involving the health of firefighters need to be carefully studied to ensure that participants in CAFS pumping training and equipment