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城市作战一直是令各国陆军深感头疼的作战项目。纵观历史,巷战一直被称为战场“绞肉机”。巷战就像陆军的坟墓,他们可以势如破竹地突入边境、摧毁防线、攻破城门,但是一旦他们走上城市的街道,每一扇门后面都有可能隐藏着杀机。现代化的城市在战争中就演变成为一个极佳的战场,楼宇密布,街道纵横。而自从诞生就从未缺席过一场城市作战的坦克和装甲车辆,这时也将遭遇到前所未有的考验。它们不但要担负突击火力点的攻坚任务,还要为随行步兵提供及时的火力支援,更要时时提 City operations have always been a head-on war project for the Army. Throughout history, street fighting has been called the battlefield “meat grinder ”. Street fighting is like an army tomb. They can break into the border in a whimsical way, destroying their defenses and breaking through the city gates, but they can be hidden behind every door once they embark on the streets of the city. The modern city evolved into an excellent battlefield during the war, with densely populated buildings and streets. And since the birth has never been absent in a city fighting tanks and armored vehicles, this time will also encounter an unprecedented test. They not only have to undertake the crucial task of assault firepower but also provide timely fire support for the accompanying infantry,
AIM:To investigate the intragastric mechanisms forregulation of gastric neuroendocrine functions during gastricdistention in isolated vascularly perfused rat s
AIM:To express Hsp60 protein of H pylori by a constructedvector and to evaluate its immunogenicity.METHODS:Hsp60 DNA was amplified by PCR and insertedinto the
创业篇——艰苦奋斗 人们不会忘记,新中国成立伊始,年轻的共和国面对的是战争废墟,百业待兴。那时,几乎没有像样的枪械制造厂,人民解放军装备的枪械也极其陈旧,型号杂乱,基
AIM:Because the presence or absence of H pylori infectionhas important implications for therapeutic decisions basedon histological assessment,the reproducibili
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