我叫张雪梅,今年23岁。在单位是一名小药士,正因为年龄小、资历轻,所以更需要学习。 我深知面对前方的困难与挑战,必须要不断地学、不断地练,需要比别人多下几倍的苦功。在人才济济的乐仁堂总店,我自上班的第一天起就给自己定位一个“小”字,并时刻提醒自己:“一定要和我的名字一样出色”。 “又是一年春来早”,现如今我已接任乐仁堂总店大堂值班经理。回头看,自己也取得了一点成绩:在1999年股份公
My name is Zhang Xuemei and I am 23 years old this year. In the unit is a small doctor, precisely because of his age, qualifications light, so more need to learn. I know that facing the difficulties and challenges ahead, we must constantly learn and practice continuously and need several times more hard work than others. From the first day of work, I have positioned myself as a “small” character in the highly competent LeRenTang headquarters and remind myself: “Be as good as my name.” “Spring is another year early,” Now I have taken over the office manager of Le Ren Tang headquarters lobby. Looking back, I also made a little achievements: in 1999 the shares of the public