Using the SaloP circular city model to study the market differentiation of product differentiation, analyze the market equilibrium according to Bertrand competition theory, and use the four-stage dynamic game as the research idea. Assume that there are four companies in the market and are evenly distributed on the circumference. One of the companies has the advantage of first-mover mergers. Firstly, this first-run company tries to merge the companies that are adjacent to each other and its position on the circumference, and then analyzes the choices of two different merger targets, and the remaining two companies Merger and reacquisition, whereby the first-to-move company will decide whether to adjust the initial decision, and finally compare the best interests that the first-run companies can achieve when they choose different merger targets, so as to find out the best merger that the first-run companies should do. Decision-making. Research finds that under different strengths of network externalities, companies will choose different mergers and acquisitions. Finally, they analyze the best merger decision made by the first mover and the changes in social welfare.