Cross-reactivity of anti-H pylori antibodies with membrane antigens of human erythrocytes

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wakaji
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AIM: To investigate whether anti-H pylori antibodies have cross-reaction with antigens of erythrocyte membrane. METHODS: Blood samples were collected from 14 volunteers (8 positive and 6 negative for H pylori detected by 13C-urea breath test) of the general population. Erythrocyte membrane proteins of the subjects were examined by Western blot using anti- H pylori serum. The proteins related to the positive bands were identified by mass spectrum analysis. RESULTS: Anti-H pylori antibodies had cross-reaction with the proteins of about 50 kDa of erythrocyte membranes in all samples independent of H pylori infection. One protein in the positive band was identified as Chain S, the crystal structure of the cytoplasmic domain of human erythrocyte Band-3 protein. CONCLUSION: Anti-H pylori antibodies cross-react with some antigens of human erythrocyte membrane, which may provide a clue for the relationship between H pylori infection and vascular disorders. AIM: To investigate whether anti-H pylori antibodies have cross-reaction with antigens of erythrocyte membrane. METHODS: Blood samples were collected from 14 volunteers (8 positive and 6 negative for H pylori detected by 13 C-urea breath test) of the general population . Erythrocyte membrane proteins of the subjects were examined by Western blot using anti- H pylori serum. The proteins related to the positive bands were identified by mass spectrum analysis. RESULTS: Anti-H pylori antibodies had cross-reaction with the proteins of about 50 kDa of erythrocyte membranes in all samples independent of H pylori infection. One protein in the positive band was identified as Chain S, the crystal structure of the cytoplasmic domain of human erythrocyte Band-3 protein. CONCLUSION: Anti-H pylori antibodies cross-react with some antigens of human erythrocyte membrane, which may provide a clue for the relationship between H pylori infection and vascular disorders.
摘 要  课堂是实施素质教育的重要平台,是促使学生健康成长的关键。近年来随着素质教育的快速发展,社会开始更多的关注学生的综合素质。在小学的数学课堂中教师应当实施科学的评价策略,促使学生得到素质上的全面提升。本文主要对小学数学课堂教学中评价策略的分析进行了讨论,希望为小学的数学教学提供一些有益的建议。  【关键词】小学数学;课堂教学;评价;策略  小学数学的课堂教学评价主要目的是为了让教师在这个过程
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英语口语学习能够促使学生用英语流利地与人交流沟通,这样也能够有效达到英语口语教学的目的。随着英语新课标改革的推进,高中英语口语教学需要顺应教学改革的发展,提高的英语口语教学的重视程度,采用灵活多样的英语口语教学手段,提高学生的口语能力和英语素质,使学生真正的达到学以致用的目的。  一、教师增强自身口语素质  英语是一门用来交流的重要语言,进行英语口语教学的最大目标是为了有效提升学生对语言的使用能力