全科医疗作为一门新的医学学科在欧美各国蓬勃发展 ,并进入中国 ,特别是近年来 ,随着城市人口老龄化、疾病谱的变化、社区居民对医疗卫生服务需求的日益增长 ,使全科医疗越来越成为社区卫生服务的主要实施形式 ,但目前社区卫生服务从形式到内容都还不够规范 ,没有现成的模式可
General medicine as a new medical science has developed rapidly in Europe and the United States and has entered China. Especially in recent years, with the aging of the urban population, changes in the spectrum of diseases, and the growing demand for medical and health services from community residents, Branch medical care is increasingly becoming the main implementation form of community health services, but at present community health services are not standardized from the form to the content, and there is no ready-made model available.