屈指算来,从事统计工作已经21年了,细细回想,有辛苦,有欢乐;有求索,更有收获。可以自豪地说,为统计事业,在平凡的岗位,我无悔地奉献着自己生命的精华。 “做统计人,干统计活,想统计事”,这是统计系统流行的一句格言,意在鼓励统计工作者热爱统计工作,全身心投入统计事业。21年统计工作,我一直在践行这句
To calculate flexibly, we have been engaged in statistical work for 21 years. Looking back, we have painstaking efforts and happiness. I am proud to say that for the purpose of statistics, I am devoted to the essence of my life in ordinary positions. It is a popular saying of the statistical system that “statisticians, statisticians and statisticians want to be statisticians.” This is intended to encourage statisticians to love statistics and devote themselves fully to statistics. 21 years of statistical work, I have been practicing this sentence