1 997~ 2 0 0 1年 ,在山葡萄不同生态区进行的产量和质量研究结果表明 :最佳生态区栽培的山葡萄 ,由于降雨少、空气干燥、昼夜温差大 ,山葡萄基本不发生 (只发生较轻的霜霉病 )各种真菌病害 ,植株生长旺盛、枝蔓成熟度好、产量高、果实质量好。其中 :坐果率平均提高 3.36 % ,果实含糖量提高 4 .6 1 % ,总酸降低 0 .2 2 % ,每公顷平均增产 2 0 .2 8% ,增收 0 .6 84万元。该地区所产的山葡萄果实略降酸 ,可酿造高档干红全汁“绿色山葡萄酒
From 1997 to 2001, the yield and quality of grape in different ecotypes of mountain grapes showed that the best grapes were cultivated in the best ecological region because of less rainfall, dry air, large temperature difference between day and night, Light downy mildew) a variety of fungal diseases, strong plant growth, good branchmanship, high yield, good fruit quality. Among them, the average fruit-setting rate increased by 3.36%, the fruit sugar content increased by 4.61%, the total acid decreased by 0.222%, and the average yield per hectare increased by 20.28% with the increase of 0.684 million yuan. Produced in the region slightly lower acid grape berries, can produce high-grade dry red juice "Green Mountain wine