From 1978 to 1979, screening and identification of rice resistant to rice gall midge in Guangzhou suburb were carried out. After repeated identification, among the introduced varieties, W_ (1263), R_ (7-2757), R_ (35- 2735), RD_9, BKNBR_ (1030-76-2) and ARC_ (6650), etc .; R_ (35-2739), IET_ (6013), BG_ (404-1) 12; standard rate of 15% of the following CR_ (180-4) and other 12. Initial identification of its own variety of resources, no standard onions with chicken Tsui, the standard rate of 5% under the large branches accounted for late Goldenwind on the 6th and so on. Identification method First seedling early screening and re-screening, the standard scallion rate of less than 15% in the Honda re-repeated identification, it can be more accurate and rapid screening identification to identify their resistance to find the source of resistance.