9月9~11日,第19届意大利纺织面料展(Milano Unica面料展)在米兰展览中心举行,展出2015~2016秋冬季面辅料新品。本次展会共410家企业参展,其中74家来自欧洲其他国家。在首日的开幕式上,主办方对外发布了2014年上半年意大利纺织行业数据,并对本届展会亮点进行介绍。据统计,2014上半年意大利织造产量总体增长7.6%(不包括针织面料生产),进而带动整个纺织业增幅达4.8%。随着欧洲经济复苏,出口贸易同样增势喜人,欧盟是意大利纺织面料首要市场。2014年1~4月,意大利织造面料贸易总额达到5.77亿欧元,
From September 9 to September 11, the 19th Italian Textile and Fabric Exhibition (Milano Unica Fabric Exhibition) will be held in Milan Exhibition Center. The new 2015 and 2016 autumn and winter fabrics will be on display. This exhibition a total of 410 exhibitors, of which 74 from other European countries. On the first day of the opening ceremony, the organizers released the data of the Italian textile industry in the first half of 2014 and introduced the highlights of the exhibition. According to statistics, in the first half of 2014, the Italian weaving production increased by 7.6% (excluding the production of knitted fabrics) overall, which in turn led to an increase of 4.8% in the entire textile industry. With the economic recovery in Europe, the export trade also enjoyed a good growth. The EU is the leading market for Italian textile fabrics. From January to April 2014, the total volume of Italian woven fabrics reached 577 million euros,