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庙山岗遗址位于罗田县三里畈镇张家湾村,北距三里畈镇约1公里,遗址东侧有武汉至罗田公路通过。遗址地处长江支流巴水两岸一盆地内山岗上,因旧时在岗上修庙宇,故名,发掘前为一处梯地。1991年3—6月,为了配合罗田县大别山矿泉水厂厂房建设,由省文物考古研究所,黄冈地区博物馆、罗田县文管所三家联合组成考古发掘队,对庙山岗遗址进行了抢救性发掘。共揭露面积九百六十平方米。其中西北部文化堆积厚达4.3米,东部很薄,最深不过2米。发掘结果表明,该遗址包含有新石器时代晚期、西周、春秋三个时期遗存,文化层从上至下共分九层,庙山岗遗址⑨⑧⑦三层为龙山时期堆积;⑥⑤④为西周遗 Miaoshan site is located in Luotian County Sanliu Town Zhangjiawan Village, Sanliu Town, Beiju about 1 km east of the ruins of Wuhan to Luotian Road. The site is located in the Yangtze River tributary of Pakistani basin basin on both sides of a basin, because of old temples on the hill, hence the name, before excavation is a ladder. From March to June 1991, in order to cooperate with the construction of Dabashan mineral water plant in Luotian County, the Archaeological Excavation Team composed of three provincial-level heritage museums, the Huanggang Regional Museum and the Luotian County Literary Management Station jointly organized the Miaoshan site Rescue excavation. Total exposed area of ​​960 square meters. Among them, the cultural accumulation in northwestern China is as high as 4.3 meters, the eastern part is thin and the deepest one is 2 meters. Excavation results show that the site contains three stages of the Neolithic Age, the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Spring and Autumn Period. The cultural level is divided into nine levels from the top to the bottom. The third layer of the ⑨ ⑧ ⑦ site of the Miaoshan Site is piled up during the Longshan Period.
目的 :比较托吡酯与丙戊酸钠缓释片治疗难治性癫痫的疗效。方法 :托吡酯组 39例 ,丙戊酸钠组 4 1例 ,托吡酯成人及儿童剂量在约 2mo中逐渐增至 2 0 0mg·d- 1及 4mg·kg·d-
帕米膦酸二钠粉针剂通用名:帕米膦酸二钠(pamidronate disodium pentahydrate).商品名:阿可达(Aredia).化学名:3-氨基-1-羟基丙烷二膦酸二钠五水合物.结构式见图1.