我院于1979年12月通过选择性动脉造影诊断小肠癌1例,现报道如下; 患者男性.43岁,住院号170042。因腹部胀痛反复发作伴呕吐7个月,于1979年11月18日入院。患者自1979年4月中旬突然出现腹胀、腹部阵痛、肠鸣、呕吐、随之腹胀、腹痛缓解。半年多来,上述症状反复发作达20次,多在夜间发作,每次持续约3小时。大便3天一次,外观正常。发病以来体
In December 1979, our hospital diagnosed 1 case of small intestine cancer by selective angiography. The report is as follows; The patient is male, 43 years old, and the hospital number is 170042. Repeated episodes of abdominal pain associated with vomiting for 7 months were admitted to hospital on November 18, 1979. The patient suddenly experienced abdominal distension, abdominal pain, bowel, vomiting, abdominal distention, and abdominal pain relief since mid-April 1979. In more than half a year, the above symptoms have recurred up to 20 times, mostly at night, each lasting about 3 hours. The stool was once in 3 days and the appearance was normal. Since the onset of the body