近年来,昆明市榕树(Ficus)和鹅掌柴(Schefflera)受到蓟马为害比较严重。经鉴定,为害榕树、造成叶片饺子状虫瘿的蓟马优势种类为母管蓟马属(Gynaikothrips)的榕母管蓟马(Gynaikothrips ficorum)。为害鹅掌柴,造成叶片角状虫瘿的管蓟马属于滑管蓟马属(Liothrips)的鹅掌柴滑管蓟马(Liothripssp.)。5~6月和9~10月是虫瘿蓟马的发生高峰期,捕食性天敌黑纹透翅花蝽(Montandoniola moraguesi)在局部地区能起到自然控制蓟马种群的作用。
In recent years, Ficus and Schefflera in Kunming have been severely affected by thrips. It was identified that the dominant species of thrips that cause damage to the banyan tree and cause the leaf dumplings is Gynaikothrips ficorum of the genus Gynaikothrips. Thrips palmatum, causing Thrips tabaci Thrips to belong to the family Liothrips, Liothripssp. From May to June and from September to October, it was the peak of the occurrence rate of Thrips tabaci. Montandoniola moraguesi, a predatory natural enemy, played a natural role in controlling thrips population in some areas.