Rich character dialogue is one of the most striking features of Hong Shangxiu’s film work. Domestic research usually takes the whole narrative mode of his work as the starting point, analyzing from the perspective of “Hong style” and the resolution of male character in the film. This article makes reference to the narrative analysis and the lens language of Hong Shangxiu’s films by the predecessors, cites the dialogue discourse in the film as the main research object, especially the female dialogue, as a discussion of “ Seaside ”movie features added. Hong Shangxiu takes the female as the center of the network to start the narrative, elaborates the inextricable relationship between love and morality, and a large number of dialogues become the means of the heroine to show his psychology and to analyze himself. For the use of discourse, Hong Shangxiu formed his own unique style features, this article is based on the study of Hong Shangxiu narrative features of the film.