古乐府《陌上桑》叙述一个年方二八的秦罗敷在陌上采桑,为使君看中,要强娶她,被她严词拒绝的故事,诗中的罗敷,历史上实有其人。据崔豹《古今注》载:“秦氏,邯郸人有女名罗敷,……王仁妻,……罗敷采桑于陌上,赵王登台见而悦之,因置酒欲夺焉,罗敷巧弹筝作《陌上桑》之歌以自明,赵王乃止。” 另一首汉代叙事诗《孔雀东南飞》中也曾涉及一个“东家有贤女,自名秦罗敷,可怜体无比”的罗敷,她与《陌上桑》中的罗敷同名同姓,但并非一人。 《汉书·武五子传》中载“执金吾严延年字长孙,女罗紨。”周寿昌
The ancient music house “Mo Shang Sang” narrates a year of 28, Qin Luoshi picking mulberry on the street, in order to make him appreciate, to force her, and her strict rejection of the story, Luo Shi in poetry, historically there is others. According to Cui leopard, “Ancient and Modern Note” contains: “Qin’s, monks have a woman’s name Luo Fu, ... Wang Ren’s wife, ... ... Luo Fucai Sang in the street, Zhao Wang took to the stage to see and pleasing, because of the home to drink, Luo Shou playing zither as ”Mock on Sang“ song to self-identity, Zhao Wang but only.” Another Han Dynasty narrative poem “peacock fly southeast” also involved a “Eastern have wise women, self-named Qin Luo Shi, pitiful incomparable” Luo Shi, she had the same name as Luo Sushi in “Mo Shang Sang”, but not one. “Han Wu Wu Zi Zhuan” contains “Gui Wu Yan Yannian word long Sun, female Luo Yi.” Zhou Shouchang