当近代西方国家用巨舰、鸦片和商品打破了清帝国紧闭的大门,古老的中国赖以维系社会的“圣位贤传”连同硬弓长矛,一齐败下阵去。巨大的打击,使一些人从迷梦中惊醒,面对着庞大的西学体系,自觉地学习和研究起了新的技艺、学说及理想。 数学,乃是科学的一个分支。虽然中国古代数学成就非凡,当时却显然力不从心了。人们开始通过西方的传教士学习新
When the modern Western countries broke the tightly closed door of the Qing Empire with huge ships, opium and commodities, the ancient China depended on maintaining the “virtuous virtues of the holy city” of the society together with the hard bow spear. Huge attack, so that some people awakened from the dream, the face of a huge system of Western learning, consciously learn and study played a new skill, theory and ideals. Mathematics is a branch of science. Although ancient Chinese mathematics extraordinary achievements, it was obviously powerless. People began to learn new things through missionaries in the West