2月27日,美国作出了一个惊世之举:将象征着世界离遭受核毁灭的时刻“世界末日之钟”向后调了两分钟,调到23时53分。它象征着核威胁已达到冷战后最危险水平。 恐怖的“世界末日钟” “世界末日钟”是由《原子弹科学家公报》杂志在1947年设立的。这座460毫米见方的木质模型钟摆放在《原子弹科学家公报》的总部所在地芝加哥大学里。1945年,美国在日本广岛和长崎分别投下一枚原子弹。两年后,参加原子弹研究的科学家们设立了这座具有标志性意义的“末日钟”。“末日钟”的指针距离午夜24时越近,就表明世界越危险,离毁灭越近。“世界末日钟”在1947年
On February 27, the United States has made a stunning start: it shifted a backward two minutes to 23:53, the “doomsday bell of the world,” a moment that symbolized the world being subjected to nuclear annihilation. It symbolizes that the nuclear threat has reached the most dangerous level after the cold war. The horrifying “doomsday clock” “doomsday clock” was established in 1947 by the magazine The Atomic Bomb Bulletin. The 460-mm square wooden model clock is placed in the University of Chicago, home to the Atomic Bomb Bulletin. In 1945, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on each of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. Two years later, scientists who participated in the study of atomic bombs set up this iconic “doomsday clock.” The closer the “doomsday bell” pointer is to 24 o'clock midnight, the more dangerous the world is and the closer it is to destruction. “Doomsday Clock” in 1947