The Rabi oscillations in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates with a coupling drive are studiedby means of a pair of bosonic operators. The coupling drive an
In this letter the three-dimensional nonlinear Helmholtz equation is investigated, which describes electro-magnetic wave propagation in a nonlinear Kerr-type me
It is an ideal place to search for exotic states through J/ψ hadronic decays.In this paper,we discuss the way to use the partial wave analysis (PWA) based on c
Resonating-group method has been applied to calculate the ΩΩ (SIJ = -6,0,0) dibaryon state in theframework of the extended quark-delocalization color-screenin
With the supersymmetry scheme including many-body interactions, the global property and the △I = 4bifurcation in the superdeformed (SD) bands of odd-odd nuclei
The Noether current and its variation relation with respect to diffeomorphism invariance of gravitational theories have been derived from the horizontal variati