近日,美国家用机协会会长Judy Patterson一行23人赴飞跃缝纫机集团进行参观交流。代表团一行对飞跃集团强大的研发能力、过硬的产品质量和转型发展成效留下了深刻印象。交流中,双方分别就飞跃集团、美国家用机协会及全美家用机市场的整体情况进行信息沟通,双方均表示对未来深入合作充满期待。在会谈中,Judy Patterson表示,飞跃集团是一家现代化的大型企业,以卓越的品质和服务赢得了美国客户的信赖。她强调,近年来飞跃致力于智能化多功能家用机的研发,与再生资源产
Recently, Judy Patterson, President of American Homemachine Association, and 23 people went to Leap Sewing Machine Group for a visit and exchange. The delegation left a deep impression on the strong research and development capability, excellent product quality and transformation and development achievements of Leap Group. During the exchange, the two parties respectively communicated on the overall situation of Leap Group, American Homemakers Association and the national home machine market, and both parties expressed their expectation for further cooperation in the future. During the talks, Judy Patterson said Leap Group is a modern, large-scale enterprise that has won the trust of US customers with superior quality and service. She stressed that in recent years leap committed to intelligent multi-function home machine R & D, and renewable resources