Herschel文丘利管是一种使用方便,工作可靠且有足够测量精度的测量设备,在科研和工业上已用于测量各种气——液两相混合物的干度或流量.但是,在先前研究报告中建议的各种计算式的适用范围均有限,且缺乏通用性. 在一种修正的分相流动模型及已发表的试验资料基础上,本文提出了一种简便合理的计算汽水混合物流量或干度的计算式,在下列应用范围内,它的均方根误差约为±20%,汽水密度比0.01157-0.018632;管道内径10-70毫米;喉口直径和管道直径之比0.4-0.6.
The Herschel Venturi tube is an easy-to-use, reliable and measurable measuring device that has been used in scientific research and industry to measure the dryness or flow rate of various gas-liquid two-phase mixtures. However, The range of calculation formulas proposed in the report is limited and lack of universality.Based on a modified phase-separated flow model and published test data, this paper presents a simple and reasonable method to calculate the flow rate of a mixture of soda and water or The calculation of dryness, in the following applications, its root mean square error of about ± 20%, soft water density than 0.01157-0.018632; pipe diameter 10-70 mm; throat diameter and pipe diameter ratio of 0.4-0.6.