霍尔的视野——什么是建筑? (或建筑应当怎样……)

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电子科技在全球的发展将不同的场地与文化融合于同一个连贯的时间与场地背景中。本土文化的崛起和场所的扩张也同时存在。时间—空间的概念就产生于这一张一弛的两种力量当中。新建筑的产生必须同时满足文化间的连贯性,同时能够诗意地表达自身的环境和社区特色。被赋予时间概念的建筑散发一种抽象之美。20世纪建筑的最伟大之处不在于形式或风格,而是建筑思想领域的突破。进入21世纪,建筑的含义不再全部经由历史语言来传达。建筑规模和功能复杂性的增长加剧了建筑朝着抽象化发展的固有倾向。抽象是建筑语言的一部分。斯蒂文·霍尔在1995年的一次访谈中提及了这一语言定义。建筑语言究竟为何物?在20世纪末这一命题成为无解之谜。20世纪20年代存在一种特定的句法和现代建筑 The global development of electronic technology brings together different venues and cultures in the same coherent time and venue context. The rise of local culture and the expansion of places also exist. The concept of time-space arises from these two forces of relaxation. The new buildings must be produced simultaneously with cultural coherence, while being able to express their own environment and community characteristics in a poetic way. The building given the concept of time emits an abstract beauty. The greatest of twentieth-century architecture is not in form or style, but in the field of architectural thought. In the 21st century, the meaning of architecture is no longer conveyed through the history language. The increase in building size and functional complexity exacerbates the building’s inherent tendencies towards abstract development. Abstraction is part of the architecture language. Steven Hall referred to this language definition in an interview in 1995. What is the construction language? In the late 20th century this proposition became a mystery. In the 1920s there was a specific syntactic and modern architecture