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企业自主开发式。即企业根据自身发展需要,组织科技人员进行新技术、新产品研制、开发。这类企业一般拥有自己的科研开发机构和较强的科技人员队伍,特别是高科技专业人才队伍。该市升华电子有限公司瞄准环保型装饰材料市场需求,研制开发出绿色环保防火装饰板,并申报了国家发明和实用新型两项专利,形成自主的知识产权。该项产品经鉴定认为,填补了国内空白,达到先进水平,具有广阔的市场前景,现投入批量生产,年产达180万平方米,产值5300万元。该市特种漆包线厂,特种绝缘材料厂等都是走的这条路子。 科企合作式。即企业与科研单位按照约定分工共同研制并发新产品。这类企业一般也拥有自己的技术力量,但由 Enterprise self-development. That is, enterprises should organize scientific and technological personnel to carry out research and development of new technologies and new products according to their own development needs. Such enterprises generally have their own research and development institutions and strong scientific and technological personnel, especially high-tech professionals. The city sublimation Electronics Co., Ltd. aimed at environmentally friendly decorative materials market demand, research and development of green fire-retardant decorative panels, and declared the invention of the two patents and utility models, the formation of independent intellectual property rights. The product was identified as that, to fill the gap, reached the advanced level, with broad market prospects, is now put into mass production, with an annual output of 1.8 million square meters, the output value of 53 million yuan. The city special enameled wire plant, special insulation materials plant are all take this path. Scientific and technological cooperation. That enterprises and research institutes in accordance with the agreed division of labor jointly developed new products. Such enterprises generally also have their own technical strength, but by
黠鼠  苏子夜坐,有鼠方啮①,拊②床而止之。既止复作,使童子烛之,有橐③中空,嘐嘐聱④聱,声在橐中。  曰:“嘻!此鼠之见闭而不得去者也。”  发而视之,寂无所有,举烛而索,中有死鼠。  童子惊曰:“是方啮也,而遽死耶?向为何声,岂其鬼耶?”  覆而出之,堕地乃走。虽有敏者,莫措其手。  苏子叹曰:“异哉!是鼠之黠⑤也。”  (选自《历代寓言小品》湖北辞书出版社1993年12月版)    注释: