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  Youve just graduated from business school and you feel like the world is your oyster, only to find that job offers arent knocking down your door as expected, making MBAs wonder why theyre not getting hired. This can be disheartening, but as an MBA, you know that perception(洞察力)is more important than reality. The key to getting hired is an employers perception of you. Many MBA graduates are guilty of unconsciously displaying signs that they are not the best fit for the job. Once you discover what these common mistakes are, you can put your MBA skills to use and strategize how to turn things in your favor and land the job youve been looking for.
  Employers feel more comfortable hiring MBAs with experience because there is less need for training. Many MBAs mistakenly apply for jobs they are obviously not qualified for or which require more experience than they have, leaving them scratching their heads at 〖HJ4.8p〗why theyre not getting interviews. Recruiters want MBAs who can prove their ability to increase revenues, decrease costs, and help their business succeed in some way. Show that you can help the company by providing concrete examples of relevant experience.
  MBAs often have great resumes showing all the right qualifications, but then blow the interview with inappropriate behavior, such as a lack of professional appearance, poor hygiene, or even a bad attitude. Its necessary to be on your best behavior, dress appropriately, and not seem cocky, bored, or disinterested in the company. A little enthusiasm wont hurt you, especially when it comes to a potential new job. Every business wants to put their most enthusiastic MBAs forward with important clients and customers, so be sure to show your passion for your work.
  Another mistake you may be making unknowingly is how you portray yourself on social media. As an MBA, you know how important networking is, and these days, most of it is done online. Dont assume that employers arent interested in your online profiles. Many employers now use social networking sites and online searches to check up on potential hires. Inappropriate photos and information, such as annoying material or implications of drinking and drug use are huge red flags to employers. Even discriminatory comments related to race, gender, or religion will leave employers with a bad impression. Make sure to remove any photos, content, or links that can work against you in an employers eyes.   Dont forget that practice makes perfect when it comes to finding a great MBA job. Earning your MBA was a huge accomplishment, but theres always room for improvement. Ask your classmates, peers, family, and even past coworkers or managers for feedback. Show multiple, trusted resources the job posting youre interested in, your cover letter and resume. Take constructive criticism on how it can be better. Do mock interviews to help relieve any tension and gain a better idea of how youd like to present yourself. With a few minor changes to your resume and the way you interact with others, youll be hearing “youre hired” in no time!〖HJ〗〖KH2D〗
  TitleWhy MBA graduates are not getting hired〖BHDG162〗
  (1) Commonlymade
  Many of you MBA graduates unconsciously display unfavorable signs, and (2) to bring out the best in yourselves.
  ◇While (3) for jobs, you do not take your qualifications and experience into
阅读下面的材料,按照要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。(70分)  一群企业高管前往青海攀登岗什卡雪峰,有人问他们想去干什么,回答是“逃离城市”。他们来到雪峰下向上攀登,一路攀登一路用微博直播。最终登上山顶,置身雪域绝美风景之中,有人发了一条微博:“山顶风光真美,极目远望,莽莽苍苍……周围坐着十来个男人,每人都在低头看自己的手机,偶尔抬头,大家都会心一笑。”  要求选好角度,确定立意,明确文体(不得
数列,不仅是高中数学知识的重要组成部分,同时也是高考重点考查的内容之一.然而很多同学在数列题的解答时常常因为忽视一些细节问题,导致在考试中失分很高.本文结合具体实例进行剖析、探讨,以便加强同学们在解数列题时的“防错”意识,从而提高自己在数列题中的解题能力.  一、忽视概念理解的准确、到位而导致错误
探索性问题是高考中的能力型测试题之一,而数列探索题的知识覆盖面大,综合性强,方法灵活,再加上题意新颖,要求同学们具有扎实的基础知识和较高的数学能力,从而使数列探索题成为高考的一种常见题型.  一、存在型问题  通常情况下是在给出的题设条件下,探索是否存在数列的某个项及数列的某些性质使命题成立.其解题策略是:先假设所探求的对象存在或结论成立,然后经过归纳、计算、推理,若由此推出矛盾,则假设不成立,即
因此,不存在正整数c和k,使得Sk+1-cSk-c>2成立.  说明:讨论型探索题往往在解题过程中才发现存在多种可能的结果.因此,在解探索题的过程中,要充分注意题设条件是否存在多种可能的情况,如果需要讨论,必须进行分类讨论.  数列探索题涉及的数学知识较多,解题过程较复杂,技巧性强,没有现成的解题套路,因此,要求同学们要学会合情合理地分析,把直觉发现与逻辑推理相结合,同时更应该注重数学思想方法的综
这个世界似乎很冷漠,可是在冰天雪地中也能找到一丝温情,那份温情或来自母亲,或来自父亲,抑或是陌生人。有了这份温情,我们平静的心便有了激情与动力。有了它,我们对生活也就充满了信心。  一  母亲做的棉鞋垫  文/刘学刚  母亲健康的时候,每年冬天,我都会有两双崭新的棉鞋垫。上面是长长的线头,就像春日茸茸的草地。下面是密密的针脚,一段绵长深邃的时间。  母亲把做鞋垫叫“割鞋垫”。割,其实是做鞋垫的最后
第一部分:同位语  一、同位语与其他从句的辨析  1. 同位语。当两个指同一人或事物的句子成分放在同等位置时,若其中一个句子成分是用于说明或解释另一个句子成分的,那么用于起说明或解释作用的句子成分就叫做另一成分的同位语。  如:Laura Myers, a BBC reporter, asked for an interview. 劳拉·迈尔,BBC的记者,要求采访。  Who is that m
单项选择题是多年来高考试题中的一项基本题型。它可以用来考查词法、句法、惯用法、交际用语、词语辨析等各种内容,在这一题型中设置的考点可以是一点,也可以是多点。它确实是一种考题设置灵活,考点覆盖面广的多功能题型。  关于单项选择题的解题思路和方法,不少老师都有介绍,什么排除法、还原法等等,笔者不作赘述,本文作者“另眼”看试题,从细节入手,关注标点符号的信息,试谈单项选择题的解题思路和方法。  考卷上的