75年前,一个名叫若槻泰雄的日本人在中国降生;20岁那年,他却被迫穿上军装,加入到侵华日军的行列……半个多世纪过去了,战争的硝烟早已散尽,可日军的凶残和灭绝人性却给他烙上了难以愈合的痛创,强烈的正义感驱使他认真思考一些问题——日本为什么发动战争?谁是日军的统率?为何日军凶残好战?国民和大众传媒为什么没有反战?当时的政治家学者在做些什么?谁应承担这场侵略战争的责任? 在《日本的战争责任》一书中,他认为:天皇与天皇制
75 years ago, a Japanese named Ryohei Tetsu was born in China. At the age of 20, he was forced to put on his uniform and join the ranks of the Japanese aggressor ... more than half a century later, the smoke of the war has long been dispersed The cruel and extinct human nature of the Japanese Army, however, gave him an unforgettable painful wound. The strong sense of justice drove him to think seriously about some questions - why did Japan launch a war and who was the Japanese army? Why was the Japanese brutally belligerent? Why did not the nationalities and the mass media fight the anti-war? What politicians and scholars at that time were doing? Who should shoulder the responsibility for this war of aggression? In the book Japan’s War Responsibility, he argued that the Emperor and the Emperor