海阳市自1986年推行儿童免疫保偿制以来,有力地推动了计划免疫工作的顺利发展.十余年中,在全市范围内试行了三种保偿形式,现对比分析如下:1 保偿形式1.1 一年一保制 对辖区内出生24小时后的儿童实行一年保偿制,在接种第一针时收取人民币3元,并按规定完成免疫程序,保偿与计划免疫相关的8种传
Haiyang City, since the introduction of the Child Immunization Compensation System in 1986, has effectively promoted the smooth development of the planned immunization work. Over the past decade, three types of compensation have been piloted in the city. The comparative analysis is as follows: 1 Compensation Form 1.1 One-year Guarantee A one-year system of compensation for children after 24 hours of birth within the jurisdiction will be charged at a fee of RMB3 when the first needles are vaccinated and the immunization procedures shall be completed according to the provisions to compensate for 8 kinds of diseases related to planned immunization pass