洋妞Cynda,来自美利坚,祖籍德意志,现在京城“客串”外教兼审校,虽仅二十出头,却从11岁起就周游列国,从此爱上“居无定所”的生活。游历六十余国的她,在加勒比海捉过鲨鱼,在非洲乡村垒过校舍,更在越南直面越战“后遗症”;享受着边旅行边做义工的快乐时,她也为“五斗米”而烦恼。本刊封面专访“旅行中的志愿者”Cynda Schneider,听她讲述乐善好行中的甘与苦。
Babes Cynda, from the United States of America, was born in Germany. Now she is traveling in the capital from the age of eleven, and has since fallen in love with “living without a place”. . She traveled in more than 60 countries, capturing sharks in the Caribbean Sea, crossing the school buildings in rural areas of Africa, and facing the Vietnam War “sequelae” in Vietnam. While enjoying the joy of volunteering while traveling, she is also a “ M ”And trouble. This magazine cover interview “volunteers in travel ” Cynda Schneider, listen to her about the sweet and good works of good deeds.