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  Over 4 days, those who shape the future of the automotive aftermarket will gather here in Vegas. Here, brands, markets and economies converge in what’s far more than a trade show, it’s an event. And in 2014, there are more opportunities than ever to Grow Your Business.
  Tuesday, Nov. 4 - Thursday, Nov. 6, over 39,000 targeted buyers and more than 130,000 professional from around the globe will gather in Las Vegas - industry leaders and innovators all in one place.
  What if you had access to the leading thinkers from our industry, top universities, the media, trade and research groups, governments and those who defy categorization? That’s what you should expect at the 2014 AAPEXedu. And now that we start on Monday, one full day before the exhibit floor opens, you won’t miss a thing.
  You are going to find something NEW to Grow Your Business with Thousands of NEW products in every category. Dozens of NEW suppliers from around the world joining over 5,000 exhibitors -NEW research, NEW trends, NEW education specifically compiled and developed to help you grow your business.
  Manufacturers and suppliers of Air Conditioning, Automotive Lighting, Electrical Systems & Batteries, Cooling Systems, Friction& Brake Systems, Undercar, New & Remanufactured Replacement Parts, Suspension & Front End, Engine & Transmission Parts, Appearance Chemicals and Functional Fluids, Equipment & Tools (Including Diagnostic, Hand Tools, Machine Shop, and Service & Installation) Computer Systems & Software, Paint and Body and Retail Warehouse Fixtures.
With the presence of 2,000 leading stone suppliers and manufacturers from 54 countries and regions in the world and an exhibition space of 166,000 square meters, Xiamen Stone Fair 2014, held on March
当前,会议行业与展览行业在不断演变,并且受到一系列因素的影响,包括:参会形式有所变化,财政来源有变化,以及参会代表们对沟通方式和技术手段的要求越来越高,等等。然而,一场活动的形式可以说变就变,但对已经建成的会议中心而言,外形基本已经固定,要调整并非易事。此外,从财政角度考虑,情况又变得更加复杂,尤其是当前大部分会展中心的主要经济支持者——政府,也因金融危机而倍感压力。  因此,积极回应客户对服务与
From 20 to 23, November,2014, the Latin American International Trade Expo will be held in California, the United States.The Exhibition is organized by China Chamber of International Commerce and Beiji
From 11 to 16 November, 2014, the Panama International Construction and Manufacture Industry Expo will be held for the first time in Panama City, the capital city of Panama. The exhibition is organize
Since 2008, Zhejiang Exported Goods (Osaka) Fair has been held in September each year. Organized by Zhejiang Broad International Convention & Exhibition Co., Ltd. To this day, six sessions have been s
2014年11月20-23日,由中国国际商会主办,谊和永邦(北京)会展有限公司承办的首届“拉美国际贸易展览会”将在美国加利福尼亚州帝国郡举办。  帝国郡位于美国加利福尼亚州(以下简称“加州”)东南方,南临墨西哥墨西卡利市,是美国通往拉美的重要口岸之一,交通便利,距圣地亚哥2小时车程,距洛杉矶4个小时车程。帝国郡铁路、公路、物流运输网四通八达,客流巨大,是美国西部通向墨西哥的最大门户,政府加设72个
2014年11月13-16日,由中国驻巴拿马贸易代表处、巴拿马建筑商会、中国国际经济技术合作咨询公司主办,谊和永邦(北京)会展有限公司承办的首届“巴拿马国际建筑及制造业展览会”将在巴拿马首都巴拿马城举办。本届展会预计展出3,000平米,分为四大展区:机械工程设备展区、建材家居展区、家用电器展区及消费电子展区。  巴拿马是中美洲最南部的国家,政治稳定,经济较发达,也是中美洲的自由贸易港和航运、金融中
浙江出口商品(大阪)交易会自2008年由浙江远大国际会展有限公司承办以来,已成功举办了六届,是目前中国在境外举办单个省份自办展中规模最大的出口商品交易会。六年来,浙江出口商品(大阪)交易会(以下简称“大阪展”)共接待日本专业客商近3万人次,意向成交额近3.6亿美元,展出时间为每年的9月中旬。  2013大阪展共组织展位360个,主要展品为日用消费品、礼品、饰品、家具、面料、服装、鞋类、床上用品及户
The World-Class Los Angeles Convention Center is one of the most efficiently designed and technologically advanced convention and exhibition facilities in the world. Our trademark glass and steel pavi
洛杉矶会展中心是一座设计简洁,设备先进的会展中心。富有特色的钢筋和玻璃结构、展厅、天塔与休息室分布其间。整个场馆由一道会议室连廊联为一体,宽阔通透。洛杉矶会展中心共有66,890平方米的展览面积与13, 657平方米的会议室面积,适于举办各类活动,亦可方便到达市内各大地标。  早在1971年建成之时,洛杉矶会展中心的展厅面积与21个会议室的总面积只有19,573平方米,以及858平方米的接待区。1