在鸟语花香的日子,“最佳昆虫评选大会”召开了。蝉抢先发言:“吱——安静,请安静!我的功勋嘛,起码有三条:第一,我是个很称职的气象预报员。比如说,当我清晨高声鸣叫的时候,这一天,准热得让人受不了!” “是的。”“这倒不假。”许多昆虫能体会这一点,纷纷同意。 “第二,我蜕下的幼虫壳壳,叫蝉衣,是给人治病的一种好药。”蝉越说越起劲,“像感冒啦,麻疹啦,配中药时都少不了它。” 列席代表花蛇证实说:“嗯,蝉衣和我的蛇衣差不多,都能治病。” 蝉又提高了嗓门:“第三,我是天才的高音歌唱家!美妙的歌声,使飞禽走兽陶醉,花草树木欢舞。” “还‘美妙的歌声’哩,烦死了!”螳螂提出异议。 “我不同意蝉为最佳昆虫!”蜜蜂飞到讲台上,指着蝉针芒式的吸管嘴巴,激动地说,“正是它这
In ”the best insect selection meeting“ on the day of the birds and flowers, we held. First of all, I am a very competent weather forecaster. For example, when I loudly tweeted early in the morning, this day, Quite heat can not stand! ”“ Yes. ”“ This is not false. ”Many insects can understand this, have agreed. “Second, I shed the larval shell crust, called Chan Yi, is a good medicine for people to cure.” “Cicada said more arrogant, ” like a cold, measles, with Chinese medicine are indispensable It ’s on behalf of the Flower Snake confirmed: “Well, Chan Yi and my snake clothing are similar, can cure.” Cicada has raised his voice: “Third, I am a genius treble singer! Wonderful song, so birds and animals intoxicated, flowers and trees joy. ”“ There is also a wonderful song ’miles, bored!’ ”Mantis raised objection. “I do not agree with cicadas for the best insect! ” The bee flew to the podium, pointing to the cicadas Mans mouth, excitedly said, "It is it