一、深入分析,对症下药 对物业滞销原因的分析,要从宏观分析开始,直到周边环境、具体的项目及销售对象。对因市场同类物业过多,而自己物业并无明显优势而导致销售不畅的情况,开发商可采取先以租代售、租售并举的变通销售办法,尽可能地快收回资金,实行存量的盘活,待市场转暖,再伺机出击。对因房地产价格过高,而销售费用居高不下的情况,可以抢先一步实行折扣降价。
First, in-depth analysis, the right remedy Analysis of the reasons for the property slow-moving, from the macro analysis, until the surrounding environment, specific projects and sales targets. Due to the market similar properties too much, but their property has no obvious advantage and lead to poor sales situation, developers can take the rent first sale, sales of both sales and marketing methods, as fast as possible recovery of funds, the implementation of the stock The survival of the market until the market warming, and then waiting for an opportunity to attack. Due to the real estate price is too high, while the high cost of sales, you can take the lead in the implementation of discount prices.