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目的:观察蒙药达如奇颗粒对角叉菜胶和干酵母所致大鼠炎症模型,研究其抗炎作用与对PGE2、TNF-α的调节作用。方法:角叉菜胶所致大鼠足趾肿胀实验:将Wistar大鼠分为空白组、模型组、达如奇颗粒低剂量组(0.3g/kg)、达如奇颗粒高剂量组(0.5g/kg)、阿司匹林组(0.1g/kg),共5组。除空白组,其它组大鼠右后足足趾注射1%角叉菜胶溶液造模,空白组和模型组灌胃蒸馏水,给药组灌胃相应药物混悬液,灌胃体积为20ml/kg,分别在造模前和造模后1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8h测定致炎足爪的容积1次。计算足趾肿胀率。造模后8h麻醉,用酶联免疫法检测致炎足趾组织液PGE2,TNF-a的含量。干酵母所致大鼠全身性炎症实验:将大鼠分为空白组、模型组、达如奇颗粒低剂量组(0.3g/kg)、达如奇颗粒高剂量组(0.5g/kg)、布洛芬片组(0.02g/kg),共5组。除空白组,其余组背部皮下注射10%干酵母悬液造模;各组在造模后6、8、10h灌胃给药1次,致热6、13、24h分别测体温一次,计算各组各时间点升温值。造模后13h各组取8只大鼠,麻醉,处死,制备10%下丘脑匀浆,采用酶联免疫法检测下丘脑匀浆PGE2和血清TNF-α含量。结果:角叉菜胶所致大鼠足趾肿胀实验:与模型组比较,达如奇颗粒低剂量组(0.3g/kg)1~7h足趾肿胀率下降。与模型组比较,达如奇颗粒低(0.3g/kg)、高剂量组(0.5g/kg)足趾组织液PGE2、TNF-α含量均显著下降。干酵母所致大鼠全身性炎症实验:达如奇颗粒低剂量组(0.3g/kg)致热13、24h体温明显低于模型组。达如奇颗粒低(0.3g/kg)、高剂量组(0.5g/kg)注射干酵母后13h,下丘脑PGE2和血清TNF-α含量低于模型组。达如奇颗粒起效剂量是0.3g/kg,起效剂量范围是0.3g/kg~0.5g/kg之间。结论:达如奇颗粒对角叉菜胶和干酵母所致大鼠炎症模型有较好的抗炎作用,其机理可能是抑制PGE2或TNF-a的合成或释放,继而发挥抗炎作用。 OBJECTIVE: To observe the inflammatory model induced by Cordyceps Mongolide, Carborundum, and carrageenan, and to study its anti-inflammatory effect and its regulation on PGE2 and TNF-α. Methods: Carrageenan-induced rat toe swelling experiment: Wistar rats were divided into blank group, model group, up to Qi particles low dose group (0.3g / kg), up to odd particles high dose group g / kg), aspirin group (0.1g / kg), a total of 5 groups. Rats in the other groups were injected with 1% carrageenan solution in the right hind foot and toe in the rats in the blank group. The rats in the blank group and the model group were given distilled water, and the corresponding drug suspension was given to the rats in the blank group. The intragastric volume was 20 ml / kg, respectively, before and after modeling modeling 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8h determination of the volume of inflammation of the paw 1 times. Calculate the toe swelling rate. Anesthesia was induced 8 h after model establishment. The content of PGE2 and TNF-a in the tissue of inflammatory toe tissue was detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The experimental group was divided into blank group, model group, Dachuqi low dose group (0.3g / kg), Dachuqi high dose group (0.5g / kg) Ibuprofen tablets group (0.02g / kg), a total of 5 groups. In addition to the blank group, the other groups were injected subcutaneously with 10% dry yeast suspension in the back; the rats in each group were given gavage once a day for 6, 8 and 10 h after the model was given, and the body temperature was measured once for 6, 13 and 24 hours respectively, Group at each time point heating value. Thirteen hours after model establishment, 8 rats in each group were anesthetized and sacrificed. Hypothalamus homogenates were prepared by 10% hypothalamus. PGE2 and TNF-α levels in hypothalamus homogenate were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: Carrageenan-induced rat toe swelling test: Compared with the model group, the swelling rate of toes in the low-dose group (0.3g / kg) was decreased from 1 to 7h. Compared with the model group, the contents of PGE2 and TNF-α in the tissue of the toe of the high dose group (0.3 g / kg) and the high dose group (0.5 g / kg) were significantly decreased. Dry yeast-induced systemic inflammation in rats: up to odd particles of low-dose group (0.3g / kg) pyrogen 13,24h body temperature was significantly lower than the model group. The levels of PGE2 and TNF-α in the hypothalamus were lower than those in the untreated group at 13 h after the rhodamine granules (0.3 g / kg) and the high-dose group (0.5 g / kg) were injected into the dry yeast. The dosage of Radix is ​​0.3g / kg and the effective dosage range is 0.3g / kg ~ 0.5g / kg. CONCLUSION: Daruqi granule has good anti-inflammatory effect on carrageenan and dry yeast-induced inflammation in rats. Its mechanism may be to inhibit the synthesis or release of PGE2 or TNF-α, and then exert anti-inflammatory effects.
通过由R-藻红蛋白(R-PE)LB膜组成的光电池,研究了R-PE的电荷转移现象及光电化学行为.实验表明,由R-PE LB膜组成的光电池能产生光生电流,且当电解质溶液中存在电子给体和受体
1981年Nishimura 等首先报道用二维超声心动图(2DE)和M 型超声心动图(MME)在活体上作出左心室假腱索(LVFT)的诊断,并证实LVFT 可引起乐音性心杂音及心律失常.我们自1986年以
手足口病(HFMD)是一种常见的具有传染性的小儿疾病。1987年7~8月份在呼盟流行,现将我院门诊临床诊断HFMD19例及呼盟蒙医学校托儿所流行患儿10例,共计29例进行临床分析。 Han
小儿的三种最常见的原发性心脏肿瘤(横纹肌瘤、纤维瘤、粘液瘤)占儿科原发性心脏肿瘤的66%。虽然在1862年Von Reckli nhausen 最先报导在结节性硬化病人中发现心脏横纹肌瘤,
本文概述了焦化分馏塔投用后塔体及内构件腐蚀和八三年七月~八四年五月生产期间塔壁腐蚀穿孔、塔内构件腐蚀情况,综合分析了产生腐蚀的原因和本次检修的处理措施。 This pape