乡下老人进城养老已很寻常,可您听说过城里人寄住乡下村民家养老吗?在江苏南京,有社区和医院正在运营这种“城乡联动”的新型养老模式。个案:跟着保姆下乡住在南京徐慕社区杨家村,4 5岁村民童道云是第一个把城里人接到自家来养老的。寄住者、65岁的盛文发在2012年得了脑中风,长期住在医院,但昂贵的住院费用让他承受不起,家人就请了保姆童道云上门照顾。刚来了半年,童道云因为家事要回家,由于盛文发没人照顾,她就带着盛文
The elderly in the countryside have become very common in the cities, but have you heard of urban residents living in rural areas? In Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, communities and hospitals are running such a new mode of “urban-rural linkage.” Case: Followed by nanny to live in the village of Xu Village, Nanjing Xu Mu, 4 5-year-old villagers Tongdao Yun is the first city to receive their own people to pension. Seniors, 65-year-old Sheng Wenfa suffered a stroke in 2012 and lived in the hospital for a long time. However, the expensive hospital expenses made him unable to afford him. His family invited a nanny Tongdao Yun to take care of him. Just came six months, Tongdao Yun family because you want to go home, because Shengwen no one take care of her with shengwen