本文对两位作家的专题谈话做了较为翔实的记述 ,从中提取了一些对于国内美国华裔文学研究者具有启示意义的观点 ,并对此做了重点论述。世界范围华人写作与海外大陆留学生非母语写作的兴起 ,应当引起国内研究界的足够关注。在全球化语境下 ,世界范围的华人非母语写作具有全球化写作的性质 ,它必将对中国文化或文学走向世界、重构世界文学版图、以及参与全球化文化建构产生重大意义。
This article gives a more detailed account of the two writers’ special conversations and draws some enlightenment from the Chinese American literature researchers in China. The rise of Chinese writing in the world and the non-native Chinese writing by overseas students should attract enough attention from the domestic research community. In the context of globalization, Chinese non-native Chinese writing worldwide has the character of global writing. It is bound to bring great significance to Chinese culture or literature going to the world, rebuilding the world literature and participating in the globalization of cultural construction.