The authors reported on 348 cases of laryngeal cancer that were treated between 1952 and 1975. Among them, 13 cases occurred in the throat and 2 cases occurred in the upper trachea. They were all primary laryngeal tumors. They were all treated with radiotherapy. The three-year cure rate is 52%. Of the 348 patients, 52 had been diagnosed with laryngitis or cartilage necrosis, and the incidence was 15%. The time from the start of radiotherapy to the diagnosis is 3 months to 5 years. All patients with perichonditis are squamous cell carcinomas. The diagnostic criteria for perichonditis are as follows: (1) laryngeal edema requiring tracheotomy or high-dose antibiotics and hormone therapy; (2) persistent pain, aphonia, and tenderness in the throat; (3) throat ulcers, bad breath, Cartilage exposure; (4) Throat skin spasms occur. Of the 52 patients with perichonditis, 26 (50%) were diagnosed with residual cancer and the prognosis was very poor. The following factors are apt to cause perichonditis: (1) The incidence of perichonditis below the total radiation dose of 6,400 rads is below 14%; for patients over 6,500 rads, the incidence is as high as 30%. (2) The type of radiotherapy. (3) Radiation therapy