美国的五角大楼坐落在美国弗吉尼亚州波托马克河畔的阿灵顿镇,位于华盛顿附近。五角大楼是美国陆、海、空三军的总部及美国国防部的所在地。从空中俯瞰,这座建筑物呈正五边形,故名“五角大楼”。 五角大楼是世界上最大的办公楼,它占地面积达235.9公顷,总建筑面积为60.8万m2,中央庭院为2万m2。大楼高22m,分为五层,建成于1943年1月15日,同年5月启用,可供23.000人办公,1993年5月12日,美国内政部把五角大楼定为国家历史标志。
The U.S. Pentagon is located in Arlington, a town on the Potomac River in Virginia, United States, near Washington. The Pentagon is the headquarters of the U.S. Army of Terrestrial, Maritime and Air Forces and the seat of the U.S. Department of Defense. From the sky overlooking the building was a regular pentagon, hence the name “Pentagon.” The Pentagon, the largest office building in the world, covers an area of 235.9 hectares with a total gross floor area of 608,000 m2 and a central courtyard of 20,000 m2. The building is 22m high and divided into five levels and was built on January 15, 1943 and was opened in May of the same year for 23.000 people. On May 12, 1993, the U.S. Interior Department designated the Pentagon as a national historic landmark.