2010—2012年采用标准地定时定点观察及实地调查、现场采集相结合的方法对克拉玛依林区杨十斑吉丁的发生危害及生物学特性进行了较为系统的观察研究。结果表明,杨十斑吉丁在克拉玛依林区1年发生1代。幼虫在韧皮部及木质部之间取食为害。各虫态发育期不整齐,老熟幼虫在树干木质部虫道内越冬,在翌年4月中旬化蛹,下旬羽化为成虫,5月中下旬成虫大量出现。该虫羽化后直至9月下旬进入木质部为害,雌成虫在产卵过程中严重危害叶片、叶柄、嫩枝皮层,尤其幼虫对杨树人工幼林、新造林、苗圃危害非常严重,目前杨十斑吉丁在克拉玛依造林减排作业区危害发生面积达334 hm2,危害有虫株率达70%~80%。研究结果进一步明确了杨十斑吉丁的危害及生物学特性,为尽快合理控制该虫危害并提出有效的防控策略和建议提供了参考。
From 2010 to 2012, we conducted a systematic observation on the occurrence and the biological characteristics of Bukididine in Populus euphratica in the Karamay Forest Region using the standard fixed-time fixed-point observation, field investigation and field collection. The results showed that Yang ten spot Jiading in Kelamayi forest area occurred 1 year. Larvae feed on phloem and xylem damage. The larvae developed irregularly. The mature larvae overwintered within the xylem of the trunk xylem, pupating in mid-April of the following year and becoming adults in late-mid-stage. The insects entered the xylem infestation until late September, and the female adults severely endangered leaf, petiole and shoot cortex, especially the larvae in the spawning process. The damage to the poplar artificial young forest, new afforestation and nursery was very serious. At present, D in afforestation reduction Karamay operation area of ?? hazard area of ?? 334 hm2, harmful insect strains rate of 70% to 80%. The results further clarify the harm and biological characteristics of Bursaphelenfil, which provides a reference for the reasonable control of the pest and the effective prevention and control strategies and suggestions as soon as possible.