黑河水文水资源勘测局下属有三个勘测队:嫩江、北安、孙吴。这三个勘测队所属的12个流量站及6个水位站地处偏僻,加之前些年水文资源投入不足,站房呀设备呀可以用句土话来形容:“破狼破虎”的。 现如今,同样是分布在7.8万平方公里的12个流量站及6个水位站,其“武器”装备发生了很大的变化。黑河水文水资源勘测局局长郭福林、副局长王春雷、书记杜杨向笔者娓娓道来的是一个全新的面貌。三个勘测队有两个勘测队有冲锋舟,客货两用巡测车及微机(为资料整编大大
Heihe Hydrology and Water Resources Survey Bureau has three subordinates survey team: Nenjiang, Bei'an, Sun Wu. These three survey teams belong to 12 flow stations and 6 water level stations are located in remote areas, plus a few years ago inadequate investment in hydrological resources, station equipment can die dialect can be used to describe: “broken wolf broken tiger.” Nowadays, there are also 12 weapons stations and 6 water stations that are also located at 78,000 square kilometers. The “weapon” equipment has undergone great changes. Heihe Hydrology and Water Resources Survey Secretary Guo Fulin, Wang Chunlei, deputy director, secretary Du Yang tells the author to his right is a new look. Three survey teams have two survey teams have assault boat, passenger and cargo patrol car and computer (for data reorganization